Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

SYAIR BURUNG UNGGAS karya : Hamzah Al-Fansuri

Unggas itu yang amat burhana,

Daimnya nantiasa di dalam astana,

Tempatnya bermain di Bukit Tursina,

Majnun dan Laila adalah disana.


Unggas itu bukannya nuri,

Berbunyi ia syahdu kala hari,

Bermain tamasya pada segala negeri,

Demikianlah murad insan sirri.


Unggas itu bukannya balam,

Nantiasa berbunyi siang dan malam,

Tempatnya bermain pada segala alam,

Disanalah tamasya melihat ragam.


Unggas tahu berkata-kata,

Sarangnya di padang rata,

Tempat bermain pada segala anggota,

Ada yang bersalahan ada yang sekata.


Unggas itu terlalu indah,

Olehnya banyak ragam dan ulah,

Tempatnya bermain di dalam Ka’bah,

Pada Bukit Arafat kesudahan musyahadah.


Unggas itu bukannya meuraka,

Nantiasa bermain di dalam surga,

Kenyataan mukjizat tidur dan jaga,

Itulah wujud meliputi rangka.


Unggas itu terlalu pingai,

Nantiasa main dalam mahligai,

Rupanya elok sempurna bisai,

Menyamarkan diri pada sekalian sagai.


Unggas itu bukannya gagak,

Bunyinya terlalu sangat galak,

Tempatnya tamasya pada sekalian awak,

Itulah wujud menyatakan kehendak.


Unggas itu bukannya bayan,

Nantiasa berbunyi pada sekalian aiyan,

Tempatnya tamasya pada sekalian kawan,

Itulah wujud menyatakan kelakuan.


Unggas itu bukannya burung,

Nantiasa berbunyi di dalam tanglung,

Tempat tamasya pada sekalian lurung,

Itulah wujud menyatakan Tulung.


Unggas itu bukannya Baghdadi,

Nantiasa berbunyi di dalam jawadi,

Tempatnya tamasya pada sekalian fuadi,

Itulah wujud menyatakan ahli.


Unggas itu yang wiruh angkasamu,

Nantiasa asyik tiada kala jemu,

Menjadi dagang lagi ia jamu,

Ialah wujud menyatakan ilmu.


Thairul aryani unggas sulthani,

Bangsanya nurur-Rahmani,

Tasbihatal’lah subhani,

Gila dan mabuk akan Rabbani.


Unggas itu terlalu pingai,

Warnanya terlalu terlalu bisai,

Rumahnya tiada berbidai,

Dudujnya daim di balik tirai.


Putihnya terlalu suci,

Daulahnya itu bernama ruhi,

Milatnya terlalu sufi,

Mushafnya bersurat kufi.


Arasy Allah akan pangkalnya,

Janibul’lah akan tolannya,

Baitul’lah akan sangkarnya,

Menghadap Tuhan dengan sopannya.


Sufinya bukannya kain,

Fi Mekkah daim bermain,

Ilmunya lahir dan batin,

Menyembah Allah terlalu rajin.


Kitab Allah dipersandangkannya,

Ghaibul’lah akan pandangnya,

Alam Lahut akan kandangnya,

Pada ghairah Huwa tempat pandangnya.


Zikrul’lah kiri kanannya,

Fikrul’lah rupa bunyinya,

Syurbah tauhid akan minumnya,

Dalam bertemu dengan Tuhannya.





(Sumber: Wikisource)


MAN 'ARAFA karya : Hamzah Al-Fansuri

“Man ‘arafa nafsahu hadith Nabi

Faqad ‘arafa rabbahu tujuan diri

Setelah sampai mengenali diri

Maka tercapai ketenteraman hati


La ilaha illallah ucapan zahir

Bila mungkir menjadi kafir

Atas hakikat manusia lahir

Cari maknanya dibalik tabir


Wujud Qidam didalam fana

Meng’isbatkan Allah Al Baqa

Sholat da’im besar menafaatnya

Agar tercapai ketenangan jiwa"





(Petikan dari Syair Syeikh Hamzah Fansuri)




SIDANG FAKIR EMPUNYA KATA karya : Hamzah Al-Fansuri

Sidang fakir empunya kata


Tuhanmu zhâhir terlalu nyata

Jika sungguh engkau bermata

Lihatlah dirimu rata-rata


Kenal dirimu hai anak jamu


Jangan kau lupa akan diri kamu

Ilmu hakikat yogya kau ramu

Supaya terkenal akan dirimu



Jika kau kenal dirimu bapai


Elokmu itu tiada berbagai

Hamba dan Tuhan dâ‘im berdamai

Memandang dirimu jangan kau lalai



Kenal dirimu hai anak dagang


Menafikan dirimu jangan kau sayang

Suluh itsbât yogya kau pasang

Maka sampai engkau anak hulu balang



Kenal dirimu hai anak ratu


Ombak dan air asalnya satu

Seperti manikam much îth dan batu

Inilah tamtsil engkau dan ratu



Jika kau dengar dalam firman


Pada kitab Taurat, Injil, Zabur, dan Furqân

Wa Huwa ma‘akum fayak ûnu pada ayat Qur‘an

Wa huwa bi kulli syai‘in muchîth terlalu ‘iyân



Syariat Muhammad ambil akan suluh


Ilmu hakikat yogya kau pertubuh

Nafsumu itu yogya kau bunuh

Maka dapat dua sama luruh



Mencari dunia berkawan-kawan


Oleh nafsu khabî ts badan tertawan

Nafsumu itu yogya kau lawan

Maka sampai engkau bangsawan



Machbûbmu itu tiada berch â‘il


Pada ainamâ tuwallû jangan kau ghâfil

Fa tsamma wajhul-L âhisempurna wâ shil

Inilah jalan orang yang kâmil



Kekasihmu zhâhir terlalu terang


Pada kedua alam nyata terbentang

Pada ahlul-ma‘rifah terlalu menang

Wâ shil nya dâ‘im tiada berselang



Hapuskan akal dan rasamu


Lenyapkan badan dan nyawamu

Pejamkan hendak kedua matamu

di sana kau lihat permai rupamu



Rupamu itu yogya kau serang


Supaya sampai ke negeri yang henang

Seperti Ali tatkala berperang

Melepaskan Duldul tiada berkekang



Hamzah miskin orang ‘uryâ ni


Seperti Ismail menjadi qurbâni

Bukannya ‘Ajam lagi ‘Arab î


Senantiasa wâshil dengan Yang Bâ qî






THE DROP BECAME THE SEA karya : Yunus Emre

Dervishood tells me, you cannot become a dervish

So what can I tell you? You cannot become a dervish.


A dervish needs a wounded heart and eyes full of tears.

He needs to be as easy going as a sheep.

You can't be a dervish.


He must be without hands when someone hits him.

He must be tongueless when cursed.

A dervish needs to be without any desire.

You can't be a dervish.


You make a lot of sounds with your tongue, meaningful things.

You get angry about this and that.

You can't be a dervish.


If it were all right to be angry on this path,

Muhammad himself would have gotten angry.

Because of your anger, you can't be a dervish.


Unless you find a real path, unless you find a guide,

unless Truth grants you your portion,

you can't be a dervish.


Therefore, dervish Yunus, come,

dive into the ocean now and then.

Unless you dive in the ocean, you cannot be a dervish.

The drink sent down from Truth,

we drank it, glory be to God.

And we sailed over the Ocean of Power,

glory be to God.


Beyond those hills and oak woods,

beyond those vineyards and gardens,

we passed in health and joy, glory be to God.


We were dry, but we moistened,

We grew wings and became birds,

we married one another and flew,

glory be to God.


To whatever lands we came,

in whatever hearts, in all humanity,

we planted the meanings Taptuk taught us,

glory be to God.


Come here, let's make peace,

let's not be strangers to one another.

We have saddled the horse

and trained it, glory be to God.


We became a trickle that grew into a river.

We took flight and dove into the sea,

and then we overflowed, glory be to God.


We came down to the valley for winter,

we did some good and some bad things.

Now it's spring and we'll return, glory be to God.


We became servants at Taptuk's door.

Poor Yunus, raw and tasteless,

finally got cooked, glory be to God.





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)


A single word can brighten the face

of one who knows the value of words.

Ripened in silence, a single word

acquires a great energy for work.


War is cut short by a word,

and a word heals the wounds,

and there's a word that changes

poison into butter and honey.


Let a word mature inside yourself.

Withhold the unripened thought.

Come and understand the kind of word

that reduces money and riches to dust.


Know when to speak a word

and when not to speak at all.

A single word turns the universe of hell

into eight paradises.


Follow the Way. Don't be fooled

by what you already know. Be watchful.

Reflect before you speak.

A foolish mouth can brand your soul.


Yunus, say one last thing

about the power of words --

Only the word "I"

divides me from God.





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)


Cinta adalah mazhab dan agamaku.

Saat mataku melihat wajah Sang Sahabat,

semua derita menjadi riang.


Ini, Rajaku,

kupersembahkan diriku pada-Mu.

Sejak mula hingga akhirnya

segala harta kekayaanku hanya diri-Mu.


Awal akal dan jiwa ini,

ketika jarak bermula

adalah bersama-Mu.

Engkaulah ujungnya, dan segala diantaranya

Aku hanya bisa maju ke arah-Mu.


Jalanku adalah dari-Mu, menuju-Mu.

Lidahku bicara tentang-Mu, dalam diri-Mu.

Walau begitu, tanganku tak bisa menyentuh-Mu.

Pemahaman ini mempesonakan daku.


Tak bisa lagi kusebut diriku “aku”.

Tak bisa lagi kusebut siapapun “engkau”.

Tak bisa kubilang ini hamba dan itu raja.

Itu takkan masuk akal.


Sejak kudapatkan cinta dari Sang Sahabat

alam ini dan alam berikutnya menyatu.

Kalau kau bertanya tentang awal yang tak berpangkal

dan akhir yang tak berujung,

itu hanya siang dan malam bagiku.


Tak bisa lagi aku berduka

atau hatiku bermuram durja,

karena suara kebenaran telah didengar,

dan aku kini dalam pesta pernikahanku.


Jangan biarkan aku mengembara dari cinta-Mu,

jangan biarkan aku meninggalkan pintu-Mu,

dan jika aku kehilangan diriku,

biarlah kutemukan dia sedang bersama-Mu.


Sang Sahabat menyuruhku kemari.

Pergi dan lihatlah dunia, katanya.

Aku telah datang dan menyaksikan

alangkah indahnya ia ditata.

Tapi mereka yang mencintai-Mu tak berhenti disini.


Dia katakan pada para hamba-Nya,

Esok kan Kuberi kalian surga.

Esok yang itu adalah hari-ini ku.


Siapa lagi yang mengerti kebenaran dan penderitaan ini?

Dan andai pun terpahami,

itu takkan terkatakan.

Maka kuhadapkan wajahku pada-Mu.


Engkaulah kehidupan dan alam semesta,

harta yang dirahasiakan.

Segala raih dan lepas adalah dari-Mu.

Tindakanku tak lagi jadi milikku.


Yunus menghadapkan wajahnya pada-Mu

melupakan dirinya.

Dia sebut setiap kata bagi-Mu.

Engkaulah yang menjadikannya bicara.





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Diterjemahkan oleh Herry Mardian)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)


Knowledge should mean a full grasp of knowledge:

Knowledge means to know yourself, heart and soul.

If you have failed to understand yourself,

Then all of your reading has missed its call.


What is the purpose of reading those books?

So that Man can know the All-Powerful.

If you have read, but failed to understand,

Then your efforts are just a barren toil.


Don't boast of reading, mastering science

Or of all your prayers and obeisance.

If you don't identify Man as God,

All your learning is of no use at all.


The true meaning of the four holy books

Is found in the alphabet's first letter.

You talk about that first letter, preacher;

What is the meaning of that-could you tell?


Yunus Emre says to you, Pharisee,

Make the holy pilgrimage if need be

A hundred times -- but if you ask me,

A visit to the heart is best of all.





(English version oleh Nam'k Kemal Zeybek)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)

ASK THOSE WHO KNOW karya : Yunus Emre

Ask those who know,

what's this soul within the flesh?

Reality's own power.

What blood fills these veins?


Thought is an errand boy,

fear a mine of worries.

These sighs are love's clothing.

Who is the Khan on the throne?


Give thanks for His unity.

He created when nothing existed.

And since we are actually nothing,

what are all of Solomon's riches?


Ask Yunus and Taptuk

what the world means to them.

The world won't last.

What are You? What am I?





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)

I AM BEFORE, I AM AFTER karya : Yunus Emre

I made the ground flat where it lies,

On it I had those mountains rise,

I designed the vault of the skies,

For I hold all things in my sway.


To countless lovers I have been

A guide for faith and religion.

I am sacrilege in men's hearts

Also the true faith and Islam's way.


I make men love peace and unite;

Putting down the black words on white,

I wrote the four holy books right

I'm the Koran for those who pray.


It's not Yunus who says all this:

It speaks its own realities:

To doubt this would be blasphemous:

"I'm before-I'm after," I say.





(English version oleh Nam'k Kemal Zeybek)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)

LET'S TAKE karya : Yunus Emre

Let's be companions, the two of us.

Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's be close intimates, the two of us.

Lets go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's go before this life is over,

Before our bodies disappear,

Before enemies come between us --


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Come on, let's go. Don't remain alone.

Let's be a chisel in the Friend's hand.

The only stop will be our sheikh's station.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's leave our towns and cities

and gladly suffer for the Friend.

Let's wrap our arms around our Beloved's waist.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's not be bewildered by the world.

Let's not be cheated by its sudden dying.

Let's not sit together never touching.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's give up this transient world

and fly to the lasting land of the Friend.

Let's give up all the playthings of the nafs.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Be a guide to me on this journey.

Let's set our destination at the Friend,

Not thinking where we begin or end.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


This world isn't everlasting.

With eyes half-open it is tempting.

Be a companion of lovers and a lover.


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Before the news of death reaches us,

Before the hour when he grabs us by the collar,

Before Azrail makes his sudden move,


Let's go to the Friend, my soul.


Let's arrive at the Divine Truth

and inquire there about Reality.

Let's take Yunus Emre with us --


and go to the Friend, my soul.





(English version oleh Jennifer Ferraro & Latif Bolat)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)

ONE WHO IS REAL IS HUMBLE karya : Yunus Emre

To be real on this path you must be humble --

If you look down at others you'll get pushed down the stairs.


If your heart goes around on high, you fly far from this path.

There's no use hiding it --

What's inside always leaks outside.


Even the one with the long white beard, the one who looks so wise --

If he breaks a single heart, why bother going to Mecca?

If he has no compassion, what's the point?


My heart is the throne of the Beloved,

the Beloved the heart's destiny:

Whoever breaks another's heart will find no homecoming

in this world or any other.


The ones who know say very little

while the beasts are always speaking volumes;

One word is enough for one who knows.


If there is any meaning in the holy books, it is this:

Whatever is good for you, grant it to others too --


Whoever comes to this earth migrates back;

Whoever drinks the wine of love

understands what I say --


Yunus, don't look down at the world in scorn --


Keep your eyes fixed on your Beloved's face,

then you will not see the bridge

on Judgment Day.





(English version oleh Jennifer Ferraro & Latif Bolat)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)



The drink sent down from Truth,

we drank it, glory be to God.

And we sailed over the Ocean of Power,

glory be to God.


Beyond those hills and oak woods,

beyond those vineyards and gardens,

we passed in health and joy, glory be to God.


We were dry, but we moistened.

We grew wings and became birds,

we married one another and flew,

glory be to God.


To whatever lands we came,

in whatever hearts, in all humanity,

we planted the meanings Taptuk taught us,

glory be to God.


Come here, let's make peace,

let's not be strangers to one another.

We have saddled the horse

and trained it, glory be to God.


We became a trickle that grew into a river.

We took flight and drove into the sea,

and then we overflowed, glory be to God.


We became servants at Taptuk's door.

Poor Yunus, raw and tasteless,

finally got cooked, glory be to God.





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)



My soul,

the way of the masters

is thinner than the thinnest.

What blocked Solomon's way was an ant.


Night and day the lover's

tears never end,

tears of blood,

remembering the Beloved.


"The lover is outcast and idle,"

they used to tell me.

It's true.

It happened to me.


I tried to make sense of the Four Books,

until love arrived,

and it all became a single syllable.


You who claim to be dervishes

and to never do what God forbids --

the only time you're free of sin

is when you're in His hands.


Two people were talking.

One said, "I wish I could see this Yunus."

"I've seen him," the other says,

"He's just another old lover."





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)

THE MATURE ONES ARE A SEA karya : Yunus Emre

The mature ones are a sea.

A lover is needed to take the plunge,

a diver to bring up a pearl.


When you have brought

the pearl to the surface,

a jeweler is needed to know its worth.


Stay on the road until you arrive.

Be speechless. Don't become a salesman.

Find an 'Ali to follow.


Muhammed knew Truth in himself.

Truth is present everywhere.

You only need eyes to see it.


Ask your daily sustenance from Truth,

the only Apportioner. Find someone

who is master of his ego.


The lovers asked me to sing.

Someone without greed is needed

to complete what is started.


Sufi, who are you kidding?

Can anyone but Truth

satisfy a human need?


Truth's place is in the heart.

There is a verse in the Quran-In soul

love has a tower higher than the throne of Creation.


I've gone crazy on this Way.

I can't tell day from night.

The arrow of Love has pierced my heart.


Come, poor Yunus, come,

hold the hands of the mature.

In their humility is a cure.




Those who became complete

didn't live this life in hypocrisy,

didn't learn the meaning of things

by reading commentaries.


Reality is an ocean; the Law is a ship.

Many have never left the ship,

never jumped into the sea.


They might have come to Worship

but they stopped at rituals.

They never knew or entered the Inside.


Those who think the Four Books

were meant to be talked about,

who heave only read explanations

and never entered meaning,

are really in sin.


Yunus means "true friend"

for one whose journey has begun.

Until we transform our Names,

we haven't found the Way.





(English version oleh Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)

(Bahasa asli : Turki)